For our preliminary task we decided to film it in the studio. The reason we chose the studio is because it was a simple and plain set which gave it an eerie feel, this was perfect for the scene we were filming. My main role in our perliminary task was to be in charge of the actors. I arranged where they were to stand and made sure they knew there queues. Although that was my main role i also helped with some of the camera work and lighting.
The lighting overall i felt was good, there were times when it was to bright and it would over expose the actors faces. As a group we decided that we wanted the set to be quite bright because then we could have shadows of the characters which added to the eerie and mysterious atmosphere. I feel the choices we made about lighting were very effective and definitely added to the scene.
To begin before filming we made sure the camera was set up correctly. In every shot we made sure that the tripod was level and that each shot was framed correctly, we also had to continuously check that the camera and lighting equipment was not in the shot. The angles we chose for each shot were appropriate because it covered all aspects of the scene, we took more than one for every different angle. We shot a wide shot, over the shoulder shot and close ups. There were close up of both characters, and the gun they were using a wide shot of all the characters and the shadows of the characters and an over the shoulder shot of both characters.
We stuck to the 180 degree rule and used the correct terminology ( stand by, roll it, action ) on the set so the whole group knew what was happening.
Overall i feel that i learnt a lot from the perliminary task because it allowed us to test out our knowledge and gain an understanding of what we were doing wrong. Our group worked well together and i feel that the tension and suspense in our scene was definitely portrayed through our filming.