Monday, 11 April 2011

Audience Feedback

Audience Feedback is vital, as it allows us to understand where we need to improve in further projects and gain a better understanding of what the public enjoy.

In order to know what the audience thought of our thriller "The Magician" i asked a range of people to give one positive and one negative comment about it!


 Positive-"I love how its set in black and white, represents the time it was set in more"
 Negative-"It would of been better if you could of heard what the magician was saying".

Positive-"The creepy music throughout builds tension and makes the thriller creepier"
Negative-"The fact the girl was about to be murdered was not made clear enough"

Positive-"The eerie music makes you instantly assume something bad is going to happen"
Negative-" The blood did not look realistic"

Positive-"Loved it, would love to see what happens next ".

Positive-"The surroundings and set made it clear what period it was set in".
Negative-"I think the magicians voice should of been completely covered up, would of added more mystery". 

Positive-"The blood was really shocking, did not expect it".
Negative-"The magician should of had more camera time, just to show the audience more of his creepy side".

Positive-"The credits at the beginning and throughout made the thriller look really professional".
Negative-"The creepy music should of been more gradual". 

Positive-"The long tracking shot worked really well".
Negative-"A shot of the girl in the box would of added more suspense". 

Positive-"The black and white effect worked really well, especially how the blood was the only colour we see".
Negative-"There should of been more screams at the end". 

From these comments its clear that the Black and white effect worked really well! The music added tension and suspense but we could of faded it and made it stronger when the murder was about to be committed just in order to make the murder slightly more obvious. The blood was too red, and does not look as realistic as it could of. Mixed opinions on the magicians voice being heard, but as a group we decided that you should be able to hear his voice but not the words spoken. The reason we chose this is because we felt that otherwise it would of all been to quiet and he would of come across less creepier. Overall i am very pleased with the comments as i feel the audience have noticed and understood the mood and idea of the thriller. Obviously there are some improvements that could make it even better but now i know what to improve on in further projects.

Here is also a screen shot from YouTube showing a couple of comments :

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Evaluation Task 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to your full product?

The difference in the planning and preparation of the preliminary task and our final task is massive. When it came to planning our preliminary task we didn't really plan out the props, where we were going to film or even the people we were going to use in it. On the shoot day of our preliminary task we used the studio, it didnt have a set built so we just filmed against white walls. We chose the subject of our preliminary task on the day and got given a gun to use as a prop. We didnt have anyone to act in our prelim task so we simply asked people that were free. With our final task we spent a few weeks planning where it was to be shot, the people we were going to use in it and the props we would use. Our group drew up a detailed story board including all the detail of our tracking shot and what the set would look like. Comparing both the prelim task and our final task it shows that a lot of planning and preparation is needed in order to make the final piece work. Although our preliminary task wasn't bad compared to our final piece you can really see the difference in quality not just with the set but the way we shot it.

As you can see above we have created a professional looking logo on photoshop. As you can the difference between the two is huge and the one in our actual thriller makes it look more like and actual media product.

Here we have two mid close ups. One from the Prelim and the other from our final thriller. As you can see the one from the Prelim is very bright and the lighting has not been edited to fit the atmosphere of the clip, whereas the close up from our thriller is set in black and white and is a lot darker. This is to fit with the mood and again atmosphere of it.

We have also included credits in our thriller whereas in our prelim it was simply just a poster at the beginning saying our groups name.


Here we have two shots that introduce the characters and also show us who will be involved within the scene. As you can see in the prelim the lighting again is not set up and everything is over exposed whereas in the shot from the thriller all the lighting is set deliberately to help tell the story. Around the two people in the Prelim there is alot of space around them. In our thriller all the space is filled.

Use of camera in prelim & final task & editing

For our real thriller we set up a long tracking shot through the audience. This was easier as it covered all angeles. In our Prelim task we had very basic camera shots so that when it came to editing it was much easier for us and also easier for us to learn the basics from editing it. In the Prelim we didn't add any visual effects or sound. It was just to get to grips with the very basics of editing.
When it came to editing our final piece we added a lot more sound and visual effects. With the sound we added layer upon layer. To get it sounding really professional. We also added a black and white effect to make the camera work look more professional and give a mysterious feel to it.
 Because we hadn't used visual effects or sounds in the Prelim the editing became really exciting and interesting because we learnt how to build onto something that was already good and make it to a much higher standard.

Friday, 8 April 2011

Evaluation Task 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

In this youtube clip of our thriller 'The Magician' we haver explained the process that we went through in order to create our final piece.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Evaluation Task 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The primary target audience for our thriller would be between 18-30 year old. The reason i have chosen this age range is because our thriller would have a unique and exciting plot with bankable stars.
The secondary audience would be the older generation, the reason i say this is because our thriller is set in the 1940's-1950's! Having the thriller set in that period of time would interest older people because it would be set around the time of when they were young, when they were born or even when there parents or relatives were young. Regardless of age, the audience would have a good level of education and a developed understanding of thrillers and what to expect from them.

 Personally i would say that our Thriller is targeted at a niche audience, the reason i say this is because i feel that our thriller only targets a small specific audience and would only interest a certain type of person. It targets audiences that like more complex and psychological films. Personally i feel that it would target males more because the women in the plot are mostly victims.

Here is a picture of the type of male & female that would be interested in our thiller-

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Evaluation task 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product & why?

File:Fox Searchlight Pictures.PNG

The type of Media institution that may distribute our thriller i think would be Fox searlight. The reason i say this is because they have produced and distrubted a few period pieces. Our thriller is set in the 1950's.
Our thriller also has all the key ingredients that fox searchlight have in many of their films. Narrative over action, bankable stars, a possible love interest and romantic twist in the story.

A few films from Fox searchlight that are period films are:

The hand of an adult man holding the foot of a newborn child
Tree of life is a film set in the 1950's.


These films are period pieces but unlike our thriller they do not include any horror or thriller aspects. Making them a lot more light hearted. I think Fox searchlight would like the concept of our film because it is set in an different period of time yet includes a dangerous twist.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Evaluation Task 2

How does your product represent particular social groups?

Our Thriller targets social groups such as people interested in science fiction and fantasy Films. Our Thriller includes a Magician. This would be attractive to them because it tackles real life in magic and mysterious way.

 Programmes that have similarity's to our thriller are Doctor Who and Merlin. The reason i have choosen these two are because they include magic and may interest the same audience. They all include a main Male character that has magical powers.

Because we have a Magician in our thriller it may also attract people that enjoy watching live Magicians. One Magician that uses the mind to manipulate people and create illusions is Derren Brown. The Magician in our Thriller would use mind manipulation and illusions to commit the murders.

The sort of social group that i would expect to watch my Thriller would be :

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Evaluation Task 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Evaluation task 1