Monday, 11 April 2011

Audience Feedback

Audience Feedback is vital, as it allows us to understand where we need to improve in further projects and gain a better understanding of what the public enjoy.

In order to know what the audience thought of our thriller "The Magician" i asked a range of people to give one positive and one negative comment about it!


 Positive-"I love how its set in black and white, represents the time it was set in more"
 Negative-"It would of been better if you could of heard what the magician was saying".

Positive-"The creepy music throughout builds tension and makes the thriller creepier"
Negative-"The fact the girl was about to be murdered was not made clear enough"

Positive-"The eerie music makes you instantly assume something bad is going to happen"
Negative-" The blood did not look realistic"

Positive-"Loved it, would love to see what happens next ".

Positive-"The surroundings and set made it clear what period it was set in".
Negative-"I think the magicians voice should of been completely covered up, would of added more mystery". 

Positive-"The blood was really shocking, did not expect it".
Negative-"The magician should of had more camera time, just to show the audience more of his creepy side".

Positive-"The credits at the beginning and throughout made the thriller look really professional".
Negative-"The creepy music should of been more gradual". 

Positive-"The long tracking shot worked really well".
Negative-"A shot of the girl in the box would of added more suspense". 

Positive-"The black and white effect worked really well, especially how the blood was the only colour we see".
Negative-"There should of been more screams at the end". 

From these comments its clear that the Black and white effect worked really well! The music added tension and suspense but we could of faded it and made it stronger when the murder was about to be committed just in order to make the murder slightly more obvious. The blood was too red, and does not look as realistic as it could of. Mixed opinions on the magicians voice being heard, but as a group we decided that you should be able to hear his voice but not the words spoken. The reason we chose this is because we felt that otherwise it would of all been to quiet and he would of come across less creepier. Overall i am very pleased with the comments as i feel the audience have noticed and understood the mood and idea of the thriller. Obviously there are some improvements that could make it even better but now i know what to improve on in further projects.

Here is also a screen shot from YouTube showing a couple of comments :

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